
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

write positive comments to people

Comment nicely or else...

War time history

I’v been researching and researching so what your about to read is going to blow you away on the

September 18, 1931
Japan invades Manchuria.
October 2, 1935–May 1936
Fascist Italy invades, conquers, and annexes Ethiopia.

October 25–November 1, 1936
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy sign a treaty of cooperation on October 25; on November 1, the Rome-Berlin Axis is announced.

November 25, 1936
Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact, directed against the Soviet Union and the international Communist movement.

July 7, 1937
Japan invades China, initiating World War II in the Pacific.

March 11–13, 1938
Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss.
September 29, 1938 Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement which forces the Czechoslovak Republic to cede the Sudetenland, including the key Czechoslovak military defense positions, to Nazi Germany.

March 14–15, 1939
Under German pressure, the Slovaks declare their independence and form a Slovak Republic. The Germans occupy the rump Czech lands in violation of the Munich agreement, forming a Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

March 31, 1939
France and Great Britain guarantee the integrity of the borders of the Polish state.

April 7–15, 1939
Fascist Italy invades and annexes Albania.
August 23, 1939
Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union sign a nonaggression agreement and a secret codicil dividing eastern Europe into spheres of influence.

September 1, 1939
Germany invades Poland, initiating World War II in Europe.
September 3, 1939 Honoring their guarantee of Poland’s borders, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.  

Phoenix k I live in the island of Nunya beeswax

Friday, July 3, 2020

My mission impossible

By Phoenix Mission 


Simon and I were sneaking out of the academy, we found a jet flow to america and crashed in the jungle but we were all right we sent a help message to the academy finally they got here  I thought it was them but it was  them but it wasn’t  them it was the M.I.B  pew pew went there plane they were shooting sleeping darts I think 

they shot simon planes why the battle be gone  I finally won pew oh  come on. When I woke up I and Simon was tide on a tree simon wake up why now vr pr there was a portal. 

Ffff went the rope planes was shooting the men in black with tranquilizer darts oth ow ow  ow ow  ow pew  pew pew  pew pew  pew pew  pew finally I shot  the commander I took his keycard vip  went the keycard hole  chok chok went there gun’s uh oh bang bang pew pew bang bang pew pew bang bang pew pew bang bang pew pew wow that's done with


I found a  shotgun lying on the floor pick it up off the floor chok

 chok I think I heard something you're probably hearing things  said Simon. Simon get here I think I found a knife in the middle of nowhere ‘Hey get’ said Simon here no thanks I think I found something more interesting I’m coming because there is a temple it has Ancient writing do you think you could read it I'll give it a try got it ‘says email explorer beware  you will be cursed by tomorrow because there are ghost hunting you will be cursed for eternity Said Simon.

 Who cares cause I aint  fine but it's your fault if we get caught I'm still going in there Simon you stay eye out roger that I'm going to stay here no matter what I do.

I must stay here until he comes back

He probably not anyway cause I he has no idea what he is doing because I know he’s probably.