
Wednesday, December 18, 2019


We have been learing about how to remove a background from a image that has one
I enjoyed making the poster!
Have you ever made a digital poster?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Rm1 Reflection

we are reflecting on our year in Rm 1 2019 we are looking at all fun things we have done and everything  that we hve leartnt

I enjoyed writing

what was your favourite thing this year?

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My pepeha

Tena Koutou Katoa
Ko Vaea te maunga.
Ko moana a kiwa te moana.
Ko te puku o mama  te waka.
Ko lva ma Sali lua te iwi.
Ko Le pua te Marae.
Ko Phoenix tōku ingoa.

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa

Friday, December 6, 2019

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Character dress up

on the 29th we dressed up nd had some fun 
I enjoyed brining the staff
have you ever had a dress up day

animal picture

We have been learning about the enuormas crocidle.
we have made shapes into anaimals
Have you ever made a  google draw?

christmas trees

Yestrday me and my classroom made christmas trees with ordermants.
 yesterday I learnt how to use shapes and callouts to make a masterpeice.
have you ever ever made a christmas tree on your computer?

Mission immposilble

 america and crashed in the jungle but we were all right we sent a help message to the academy finally they got here  I thought it was them but it was  them but it wasn’t  them it was the M.I.B  pew pew went there plane they were shooting sleeping darts I think 

they shot simon planes why the battle be gone  I finally won pew oh  come on. When I woke up I and Simon was tide on a tree simon wake up why now vr pr there was a portal. 

Ffff went the rope planes was shooting the men in black with tranquilizer darts oth ow ow  ow ow  ow pew  pew pew  pew pew  pew pew  pew finally I shot  the commander I took his keycard vip  went the keycard hole  chok chok went there gun’s uh oh pew pew wow that's done with.


I found a  shotgun lying on the floor pick it up off the floor chok

 chok I think I heard something you're probably hearing things  said Simon. Simon get here I think I found a knife in the middle of nowhere ‘Hey get’ said Simon here no thanks I think I found something more interesting I’m coming because there is a temple it has Ancient writing do you think you could read it I'll give it a try got it ‘says email explorer beware  you will be 😱 by tomorrow because there are 👻 hunting you will be cursed for eternity’

To be continued immediately 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

self portails



In February  we made self portails of our self  then we made inproved ones in term 4

I enjoyed making the master peace
do you think you have made a self portrait

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day my grandparents came over and then after that I went around the school and with me.

I enjoyed giving them a tour Grandparents Day my grandparents came over and then after that I went around the school and around the school

Have you ever had Grandpearants day?

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

backfired annomation

We where learing how to make annamtion.

I enjoyed making it. 😊😊

have you ever mada a annamtiom?

Monday, November 18, 2019

your idenity

We have been learning about how to draw about our identiy. I drawed a panda
my favourite thing to do is doing the body.
have you done this before?

Halloween art

For halloween we made halloween art I painted my background every coulur I could paint that I like.
he lercs in graveyards everyone knows about him he is a skeleton character.

I enjoyed  pasting the art on.

Can you guess who the character is?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

My Identity

We have been learning about who we are.
I enjoyed making my video...
have you ever made a slideshow about your family?

Pygmy Seahorse

We have been learning how to take notes and then useing our notes to write an infomation reports.

I enjoyed watching the video.

have you ever done a infomation repot?

Pygmy Seahorses

Pygmy Seahorses are the smallest seahorses in the world. They are usually 2cm big. If they don’t find a perfect coloured  coral they'll die. If they swim to they swim to a sea fan they might be attacked by predators.  They are the size of a paperclip. Dads have the babys. The baby’s start a dull brown colour. They camouflage to match the fan. If the sea fan is purple the become purple. They stay on there sea fan. When humans find the seahorses they rush them to california. There also are red pygmy seahorse.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

blogger bogie

We have been learning how to publish a video on our  blogs
I enjoyed solving the codes

Have you ever made someone dance before

Friday, November 1, 2019

My math learning

This was some of my maths from trem 1 & 2

I mostly enjoyed the difficaulty.

How much math subjects haveyou done?

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bike check

We have been learning about how to be safe on a bike

Did you get to ride a bike when you where a kid?

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My cybersmart stop sign

I have been learning how to help people when they need it

I enjoyed making the stop sign and doing the back round

(Have you ever made a stop sign?

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Phoenix's alphabet

I a learning to make an alphabet book on a chromebook
I enjoyed doing research & uploading my video's & images
& Writing

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wearable arts experiment

We havebeen learning about litter pollution and how it effects the earth & the animals.
We have been working on some wearable arts costumes to show our present earth and future earth

I enjoyed practising our wearable arts show

How do you look arfter the envirement

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A little bit about me

I am learnong to make a screencastify of myself with the webcam. We then to learn how to
insert the video into or slide

I liked putting it on to  the slideshow

Have you ever made a screencastify video before?

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Barrier Game

Me & my partner have been learning to communicate so & describe a picture so that the other person can make it.
This is what my partner describe to me

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Who Am I

I am learning to make an Who am I Slide Show animation.

I enjoyed making a slide show animation and getting the Koala images

Have you ever made an you am I slide show animation?

Happy farthers day Dad

I am learning to write a character description
I enjoyed making the google drawing and making my Dad

What dose your Dad look like?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My holiday

I am learning to share my writing on my blog. I find it fun. What did you do in the holidays?

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Titanic 2 the movie

.Brrrr boom crrrr Brrrr boom crrrr Brrrr boom crrrr help me ahhhh splash  mm
.Mmmm brrrr woah “wait what cut!!! Move the & camera the big one” said Madhuri director woap woap I  see an F5 .Tornado. get in the buker....NO i said No. one day the set of the Titanic 2 there was an F5 .Tornado .it rekt the set and the Titanic sank again all of the people got in the lifeboats and they .Sailed back to southampton.
What do you think will happen next?
enjoyed writing the story

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

True or false

I am learning that can be edited to make

them different.

I liked making the slideshow

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Winter's coming

I am learning to use a winter  poem.

I enjoyed  writing the poem

Have you wrote a poem about winter before?

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

My visual blog profile

I am learning to use a blog profile on my crhoomebook and we are learning to and to keep personil info off online.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Autumn fun

I was learing to use describing word's

I enjoyed throing leafs evreywhere.

do you like my writing?


 A crispy noise I  when I step on the leaves.
Under the tree a little leave falls.

The  leafs red,blue & green.

Under the tree I  see Leafs.

Mindless  leafs fall down.

Nature trees fall down when a tornado passs by it falls down.

By Phoenix

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cool blog

This is part of room 1 learning we made t shirt design the hole class room did  it is part of room 1’s cybersmart learning.

I like doing cybersmart

Do you want to make a blog?