
Wednesday, December 18, 2019


We have been learing about how to remove a background from a image that has one
I enjoyed making the poster!
Have you ever made a digital poster?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Rm1 Reflection

we are reflecting on our year in Rm 1 2019 we are looking at all fun things we have done and everything  that we hve leartnt

I enjoyed writing

what was your favourite thing this year?

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My pepeha

Tena Koutou Katoa
Ko Vaea te maunga.
Ko moana a kiwa te moana.
Ko te puku o mama  te waka.
Ko lva ma Sali lua te iwi.
Ko Le pua te Marae.
Ko Phoenix tōku ingoa.

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa

Friday, December 6, 2019

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Character dress up

on the 29th we dressed up nd had some fun 
I enjoyed brining the staff
have you ever had a dress up day

animal picture

We have been learning about the enuormas crocidle.
we have made shapes into anaimals
Have you ever made a  google draw?

christmas trees

Yestrday me and my classroom made christmas trees with ordermants.
 yesterday I learnt how to use shapes and callouts to make a masterpeice.
have you ever ever made a christmas tree on your computer?

Mission immposilble

 america and crashed in the jungle but we were all right we sent a help message to the academy finally they got here  I thought it was them but it was  them but it wasn’t  them it was the M.I.B  pew pew went there plane they were shooting sleeping darts I think 

they shot simon planes why the battle be gone  I finally won pew oh  come on. When I woke up I and Simon was tide on a tree simon wake up why now vr pr there was a portal. 

Ffff went the rope planes was shooting the men in black with tranquilizer darts oth ow ow  ow ow  ow pew  pew pew  pew pew  pew pew  pew finally I shot  the commander I took his keycard vip  went the keycard hole  chok chok went there gun’s uh oh pew pew wow that's done with.


I found a  shotgun lying on the floor pick it up off the floor chok

 chok I think I heard something you're probably hearing things  said Simon. Simon get here I think I found a knife in the middle of nowhere ‘Hey get’ said Simon here no thanks I think I found something more interesting I’m coming because there is a temple it has Ancient writing do you think you could read it I'll give it a try got it ‘says email explorer beware  you will be 😱 by tomorrow because there are 👻 hunting you will be cursed for eternity’

To be continued immediately