
Friday, November 12, 2021

Project 10082

I just got a call from my assistant Django, he informed me that Project 10082 is causing damage in it's cage. I told him I'll be there right away using my private jet. Unfortunetly by the time I got to Yokisma project 10082 was gone.
After feeling frustrated about his escape because I had studied this project for 7 years, we came up with a plan to go out and search. While I was searching I saw a tv store with breaking news. How could they know about project 10082's escape alread. They had a video of it heading towards hiroshima.

How will I get there in time, my private jet is out of fuel and I dont have time to fill it up.  I decided to look for taxi and in 2 hours of searching I found one (I could of got an uber or filled up my private jet).
I got it to take me to hiroshima it was a 7 hour drive just to get there, by the time I got there the beast was at a solar plant, about to blow it up. I had to think fast, it is almost impossible to destroy it because Project 10082 is indestrutdeble, like i said almost. It's only weakness is gamma radiation. Luckily I have a dart gun with gamma radiation, so I got into position and shot the beast with the dart. It fell on the ground sleeping with stars circling around his head. (not dead but knocked out, looney tunes style).

I called Django to come and pick him up and bring him back to the lap. I had to go and figure out how i was going to keep him locked up better back in Yokisma so this would never happen again. 

Crisis averted

1 comment:

  1. Hi Phoenix, I really enjoyed reading your creative writing. You always come up with excellent ideas for narratives. Next time, I think you could have added some more description about Project 10082 as based on this story the reader does not know what it looks like. Also make sure you double check your grammar while editing. For example: hiroshima should have a capital H, whenever you write a number that is lower than 10, you need to write the word (two, seven).
