
Friday, November 19, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Rainbow pancake cake

Rainbow pancake cake ​



- 3 eggs  

- 4 cups of milk  

- 60ml oil  

- 1 Tbsp  vanilla essence  

- 3 cups cake flour  

- 1 Tsp baking powder  

- food colouring  

- 200g cream cheese  

- 2 Tbsp yogurt  

- 3 cups icing sugar


1. In a large bowl mix 3 eggs together with 4 cups of milk, 60ml oil and 1 tsp vanilla essence.

2. ​Sift into this mixture 3 cups of cake flour and 1 tsp baking powder.

3. Blend together until smooth using a mixer.

4. Divide the pancake batter into 4 bowls and add the individual food colouring into each bowl of 5. batter and mix until combined, add more food colouring as needed.

5. Heat oil in a pan and fry the pancakes.

6. For the icing blend 200g cream cheese with 2 tbs yogurt and 3 cups icing sugar until smooth.

7. Spread the icing over each of the pancakes and stack them one on top of the other.

8. Ice the top of the pancake cake and garnish with fresh raspberries and a dusting of icing sugar.

9. Slice and enjoy!

(Don't forget to wash your hands before eating)

Friday, November 12, 2021


 This week's work was really fun

 I really enjoyed the documantries 

Have you ever pretended to be david attenbrough

Project 10082

I just got a call from my assistant Django, he informed me that Project 10082 is causing damage in it's cage. I told him I'll be there right away using my private jet. Unfortunetly by the time I got to Yokisma project 10082 was gone.
After feeling frustrated about his escape because I had studied this project for 7 years, we came up with a plan to go out and search. While I was searching I saw a tv store with breaking news. How could they know about project 10082's escape alread. They had a video of it heading towards hiroshima.

How will I get there in time, my private jet is out of fuel and I dont have time to fill it up.  I decided to look for taxi and in 2 hours of searching I found one (I could of got an uber or filled up my private jet).
I got it to take me to hiroshima it was a 7 hour drive just to get there, by the time I got there the beast was at a solar plant, about to blow it up. I had to think fast, it is almost impossible to destroy it because Project 10082 is indestrutdeble, like i said almost. It's only weakness is gamma radiation. Luckily I have a dart gun with gamma radiation, so I got into position and shot the beast with the dart. It fell on the ground sleeping with stars circling around his head. (not dead but knocked out, looney tunes style).

I called Django to come and pick him up and bring him back to the lap. I had to go and figure out how i was going to keep him locked up better back in Yokisma so this would never happen again. 

Crisis averted

Friday, November 5, 2021

This weeks work but its a slideshow


This week  (mabye multiple weeks) we have been learning about steam

Did you know my picture is basicly refrenes

Thursday, November 4, 2021

This weeks writing but the second time

So there I was… a plane heading towards Paris, France. My palms were sweaty as this was going to be my first time to europe. You see, I had a bucket list I wanted to complete. Amongst visiting the Sydney Opera house which reminded me of the shoulder pads found on a samurai’s armour and the Big Ben clock tower in London, which resembles the pencil used to write my last school writing task but with teeth bites. Fun fact, did you know that the clock tower  has never stopped for anything including WW2. I remember reading this on fish and chip paper a while back.It was shiny from the oil and I could still taste the salty chips with BBQ sauce, mmmmm. Anywho, the Eiffel tower was the last famous landmark on my list. 

As I checked my schedule, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to see if in France you drove on the right side or left side of the road. Back at WayneTech all my plans were programmed automatically by S.M.A.R.T an A.I I developed. S.M.A.R.T (super mathematical advance robotic technology) allowed people who use it to virtually take them anywhere in the world. Not so smart that it couldn't tell me which side of the road to drive. It doesn’t matter anyway as my Uber driver will know.

Skreech... are you Bruce Wayne? Bonjour driver, “yes, I am, take me to the Eiffel tower”. The driver was a rough looking man who looked like he hadn’t shaved for a month. The car smelt like a boys toilet that the caretaker freshly cleaned. You know, half clean toilet and half smelly toilet. He had no hair and was wearing round glasses and a singlet. He took one look at me and half smiled. I got in the cab and could only remember him saying 500 euros. Pffft, What a ripoff!!  

Have you ever Included Bruce wayne in a story before?

Friday, October 29, 2021

W2 T4 Lock down home schooling


My favourite part of this weeks work was the maths and the create. 
Have you ever made a logo beofre?

Writing I WAS UNDER PRESAURE don don don don don don


23 Ray Small drive

21st of October 2021

35 Coles Crescent, Auckland 

To Whom It May Concern

Hello my name is Phoenix and I will be telling you my two reasons for why there should be a playground at the Pahurehure estuary.

My first reason Is if we added a playground to the Pahurehure inlet’s walkway it would make It more fun for children. It will give us more things to do there to.

The second reason would be so if adults take there children to do a walk the adults can sit down and supervise there children while they play on the playground and have fun. This will give everyone a good experience and everyone can have some excercise. 

Yours Sincerely,


Friday, October 22, 2021

This weeks work but this terms first one


We were learning about nature
My favourite part was the maths because it was easy
Have you ever used an anaulouge clock 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Writing Task


23 Ray Small drive

21st of October 2021

Auckland city council

135 Albert Street, Auckland 

To Whom It May Concern

Hello my name is Phoenix and I will be telling you why my Idea is the best idea, 

My Idea Is if we added Handrails to the Pahurehure inlet’s walkway it would make It safer. I have three points to support my Idea

  1. Slippery surfaces/slips and trips are the most common cause of major injuries in workplaces but it  can happen almost anywhere. 95% of major slips result in broken bones and they can also be the initial cause for a range of other types of accidents such as a fall from heights.


e.g if someone slips and falls, the handrails would prevent them from falling and causing injury or worse. It will also help as a support aid

  1. Cycling crashes - Most crashes resulting in injuries to a person cycling do not involve a motor vehicle. They may involve a pedestrian, other people on bikes or the cyclist may be the only person involved. Handrails will prevent cycle accidents in this area.


  1.  Drowning of children 

There were 69 drowning deaths in 2020 which were considered preventable, according to data provided to Water Safety NZ. Four of those were children aged four and under, but the 15-25 age bracket had the most deaths overall - 14 through the year. A handrail will prevent children from accidents involving drowning from falling in the water 


It may cost a lot of money to install the handrails but it will be a small cost to pay in preventing injury to people using this space for fun, leisure and enjoyment.

Yours Sincerely,


Friday, October 1, 2021

What would happen If we didn't have a brain

     What would happen if we didn't have a brain?

In short term there would be no life, there thats a simple answer. But thats not fun (because I searched it up on google). 
The body has to have a brain that is working, you can not function without it. 
Different parts of the brain control different parts of the body. Did you know that the brain controls the opposite side of the body? Surprisingly the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, and the left controls the right side of the body. 
There is a part of the brain called the temporal lobe it controls the memory and also memory of noise's that you recognize. (e.g somebody opening a packet of chips and you hear the noise and know that it is chips before you see it). 
The brainstem is one of the most important parts that make up the brain. It is important because it connects the brain to the spinalcord. The spinal cord is like a extension cord to your brain. It sends a message for your body to move and also sends a message up your spinal cord to your brain that it feels sensations these are nerves from the spinal cord.

So in long term there still be no life Since the brain controls vital functions such as breathing, swallowing, digestion, eye movement and heartbeat, there still can't be life without it.

Don't you think the brain is an incredible part of the human body. Signals in the brain hop from neuron to neuron at a speed of roughly 390 feet per second, thats fast.

What do you think of the brain?

This weeks work but the last one for this term


My faviroute part was  the maths
Have you ever done homework before

Friday, September 24, 2021

This weeks work but all of it


I enjoyed doing the maths.

Another weeks work but a diffrent slide


This is my healthy lifestyle DLO
I enjoyed the researchdl

Another weeks (worth but writing)

  The dark age

One day I woke up with super powers (Wait pause the story, yes I know its a common beginning but its a cool story, carry on). So I got up to brush my teeth, but when I grabbed the tooth paste it just splattered out, I was amazed I haven’t been to crossfit ever so that means I have super powers. 

I always wondered how it would feel to be a SUPERVILLAN, this feels great and a little weird.

I decided to rob a bank without a costume, costumes are for puny heroes not villains. 

After coming out of the vault I went to test out what other powers I have. I decided to do some tests. The first one I wanted to test was if I was bulletproof. I asked one of the cops to shoot me in the foot. He gladly shot my foot, it just ricocheted off my foot and knocked  the cops gun right out of his hand into my hand, so I dropped it on the ground and said bye. BOOM I teleported into my garage, but that gave me an idea, all villains need their own hiding spot, so I decided to turn it into my secret lair. First i will  head down the street to jb hi fi to steal electronics for my lair. That was so easy because i discovered i have super speed, i was into jb hi fi and back home before a second passed without any alarms going off. 

This gave me an idea I could go and get lots of things for my lair. I zoomed around getting buckets of kfc, computers, lots of AA batteries, weapons and henchmen, I didn’t have to pay for any of it. 

The police were just driving past on patrol, when they could smell lots of buckets of kfc. So they decided to go and find out who owned all the kfc. But they found piles upon piles of chicken bones and AA batteries. You won’t believe it but they said there is a law about having too many batteries.  So I’m arrested and you won’t believe what happened while I was sleeping. There was a riot and a got out so now you're up to date… TO BE CONTINUED

Friday, September 17, 2021

Egg challenge


This is my egg challenge from a while ago. 

This weeks work but it has a discription

this is my school work my favaurite art was the maths part
Have you ever done a diet

A healthy diet

 What makes a healthy diet?

  • The food you eat like veggies fruit healthy opptions
  • What drinks you have (e.g more water)
What is a healthy diet?
  • It depends on what type of diet (e.gweight loss diet, vegetarian diet.)
  • A healthy diet includes  Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans),
Why do people go on a diet?
  • A healthy diet prevents malnutrition and protects from diseases like obesity,
  • we get healther and stronger so that our bodies don't get to much body fat

My favourite part was researching
Have you ever gone on a diet?

Thursday, September 16, 2021

a Healthy plate


This is my healthy plate that i made for school
My favourite part was finding the images
Have you ever made a digital healthy plate?

The Odd One Out|

R:T to include a problem

N:L to Narrate

 The Odd One Out

I’m on the field at school running around and now feeling really hungry.  So I  decided to head to the cafeteria and get some food.  I look at the menu and see some tofu and spring rolls so I decide to have a spring roll to fuel my appetite. After that delicious meal I head to the library to digest and read a book. 

I go back on the field and play with my friends for like 10 minutes, because the bell rang. In class I still feel hungry and can’t wait to get home and have some  afternoon tea.  

Mum and Dad are both home, I ask them what’s for dinner?  They said “homemade spring rolls”.  “But I already had spring rolls for lunch”. 

“I’m not hungry Dad” but I really was hungry. I just didn't want to eat more vegetarian spring rolls. We had spring rolls for dinner 5 days in a row that week.  So I decided I'm not going to be a vegetarian anymore. 

The next day…

He wakes up and walks into the kitchen to apologise to his Dad and says “I’m sorry for what I said last night about not being a vegetarian and going to starve. I just don’t want to have the same meal over and over, I still want to be a vegetarian. Even if I have the same meal over and over. “It’s okay son there’s I’ll teach you there's more meals to eat then spring rolls'' replied his dad 

Friday, September 10, 2021

This weeks work (but every topic)


This week my class was learning about superheros and supervilian's
My favourite part was the wanted poster
Have you ever learnt about heros and vilians before?

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Another weeks worth of school work (this time its writing)

 N:L to narrate

R:T to include setting

EARTH - 304

Chaos has erupted in manhattan villains are everywhere. There are only two people left in the industrial district. Captain naive and superdog. The police have blocked off all entries to the industrial district with concrete borders. super teddy heard a baby crying Captain naive destroyed the middle of the brooklyn bridge with his lazer beam. There's one car with a baby stuck inside of it there's another with an ambulance which one does an superdog save. He used his time powers to pause time like the flash and got both of the civilian's vehicles at a extremely slow speed. Then He had to take down Captain naive so he flew around Manhattan looking for captain naive he eventually found him in a cafe so he ripped him out of the cafe and dared captain naive to fight him and they duked it out and superdog came out victorious because he used his ice beam to freeze captain naive and loaded him into a police truck. To take him to prision until next time.

Friday, September 3, 2021

This weeks worth of school work


This is my weeks work

my favourite part was the create slide

Have you made a lcs before

Writing task for this week

I am going to share with you why I believe that the borders should be open in New Zealand. It is important for the border to be open but it is more important that there should be restrictions. 

I will tell you why they should be open and what restrictions we should have. 

Firstly I think it should be mandatory to have the vaccine to travel in and out of the country because the vaccine makes your chances of getting the Corona virus lower and if you do get it you won't be as sick. It is essential to keep the country safe from the coronavirus.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told us that the borders should be opened step by step when the time is right. I agree that the borders should be open when there are less cases in New Zealand. 

Secondly, the borders should be open so families can visit each other. For example if someone was sick overseas and can’t come to New Zealand or if they needed to be in New Zealand for emotional support for their families they should be able to come to New Zealand. After they do the safety protocols they quarantine for 2 weeks, 3 to 4 nasal swab tests and QR code scanning at places they go to.

Lastly, I think it's important for essential goods to be delivered in and out of New Zealand safely to restrict the chance of New Zealand getting coronavirus. 

In conclusion I believe that New Zealand should have restrictions to their borders to be open so that New Zealand can stay safe from any further outbreaks of delta. I believe that if everyone follows these restrictions, we could possibly get rid of coronavirus forever in New Zealand.

Maths DLO


This is my maths dlo

Do you like it?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

Thursday, August 5, 2021


This week we have been learning how to make a letter.

Dear game developer’s. 

Video games

Video games are good and bad.  For example, the Lego Star Wars video game is great. Some are terrible, e.g Lego Island 2 is not as good as the original. Now let's carry on. (Don’t tell me why)

Where should I start… Minecraft, MINECRAFT, this is where I should start. Minecraft has heaps of problems e.g they don’t have every type of fish. Every  Minecraft fan wants a new breed of dog. I think this because the people I asked said so. (seriously we only have a tameable wolf. WE ARE DESPERATE!! For a new type of dog)

-P.S your games are great but I’m just complaining about the bad things. 


This week we where learning how to write a letter

I made take it or leave

Friday, July 2, 2021

Winters coming



Snow falls like glitter

Cold sun wakes up New Zealand

Rain covers the land

The tui flys out of its nest

But oh so it wants to rest

For it's family, it needs to find food

Meanwhile the fox was in a food

The branches bend over like sindly fingers

The chior of birds all sounding like singer's

The rain is like a blanket putting summer to sleep

Plop! Plop! Plop! went the rain as winter came to a end

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Play It NOW!!!!!


This is me and my colleague's work we made this board game

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

My second Voki


                                              Click on the image  for the Voki Video

Tea & Solatair

I am crazy about berry bell tea

I am addicted to solatair (the card one)

I never get tierd of playing chess

 I can consume a whole packet of doritoes (Spicy Sweet Chili)

I wear my favrouite t - shirt with the periodic tabable all the time

I love chess (the bishop is my favroutite chess peice)

I love solitude any day, all day

I like McDonald's McDonald's Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut

I made this cause miss p wanted us to this so she could get to know us

Escape from alcatraz (A calico Pruduction)

 It was midnight, time to escape, any minute my cellmate would give me the signal. BANG!!. Time to go TAT TAT TAT TAT went the guard towers machine guns as they tried to shoot me. Okay here goes the hard part time to climb the wall

Part two (The escape)

Time to jump down like they always say cats always land on their feet. TAT TAT TAT TAT it felt like there are even more. bullets if I didn’t jump now Alcatraz would be the end of me here goes nothing “Ahhh!!!” I screamed. “YES!!” I screamed i was on the other side time for the much harder part 

 Part three (The swim)

This would sound weird but I brought a mini accordion but here’s the reason to pump up a mini boat. Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, ect… Land Land finally okay time to buy an apartment and change my name

Week 7's reading task


This week we learnt how to infer.

I enjoyed this week because I learnt to infer. (go to slide 4 for the image that I inferd)

Have you ever inferd before

Friday, June 11, 2021

Fairy profile


This the fairy profile love or leave it

SHOTGUN GUY (Writing Week 6)

 The audience was nuts. My palm's were sweaty, I was nervous to pull the trigger, BANG!!. The buulets went all over the target but no were near bullseye. It was the opponents turn he didn't break a sweat. BANG!!. he pulled the trigger with ease. All of the bullet's hit the bullseye. 
It was my turn if I didnt get a single bullet on the bullseye, I would be disqualified from the game. (deeply breathing) "Inner peace" I said in my head.  the crowd sreamed "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI" BANG!! I pulled the trigger, all the bullets hit the bullseye I was in the finals competing against Shotgun guy 2 from Canada (I know a very creative name) This was my last shot I went first BANG!!. All the bullets hit the bullseye It was shotgun guy 2's turn BANG!!.  All the bullets hit the target but not the bullseye 

Have you Inferd  image before?

You can leaved the site now 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Week 3 writing task

 Purpose: report | Audeince: Archer| R.T: to pargraph|

where do I live: ba sing sai

Am I good or bad: 50 50 cause I don't give donation to charity

What do I do during the day: I go to uncle Irohs tea shop A.K.A  Jasmine dragon

Week 3 Reading task


I liked this task because it was based on avatar the last airbender

maths dlo


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Friday, May 14, 2021

T2 W2 Reading


Sorry, I never was able to finish the work cause I missed out on monday and tuesday.

Cybersmart challenge 8


I enjoyed making this animation. 

My W2 T2 hobby writing

                                                      COIN COLLECTING 

1. What is coin collecting? Coin collecting is one of the oldest hobby's in the world + I like it (for some reason.)

2. Why do I find it interesting? Cause I find old stuff intresting  + I all ready have a collection of coins + Bobble heads

3. how old is coin collecting? thousands of years old  to ancient kings and queens.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

anzak anzac ransack anac info report (What I couldn't find any ryheming words with Anzac.)

Hi my name is Phoenix and this is my infomation report. before I go any 

This is my Australia New Zealand Army Corps Infomation
Where did I get my info from: two place's my brain and google
what we are learning WW2 stuff or it was WW1 stuff but mainly anzac less we for get.

Have you ever made a Inofomation

How to make a flying fish


here is how to make it

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Week 7 Wrighting

 Monday the 22nd the day I start to the 24th of march

Once I was school  Prime minister (cause presidint is a american thing) I band all technloagy and earasers Dont forget the most coolest one NO TEACHER'S!!  I was nice to the other students But they had to do 10 time's in the morning cause they have a two in a half hour long lunch. There are three faction's Junior school, Middle school And the Senieor school. Do you know why they are in faction's? well here is the reason THERE IN WAR.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Week 6 Reading (I like reading


My Wrighting for the week (I wanted to wright more.)

I got my lightsaber for Old Ben (he lives in The Jundland Wastes) after saving me from tusken Raider now were going to  the mos eisley cantiena to find Han solo the captain of the miliuen falocon (two hour's later) Arfter two hours of land speeder driving We made it to the 5 for miles mark I just looked at my watch the hour hand was pointing to 12 'o' clock and minute hand was pointing half past so I told old ben and he said in that case its lunch time He had jawa juice and a bantha sandwitch and I had blue milk and a droid sandwitch now we finished. Then I remembered that today is may the 4th SSSOOO I told him that May the 4th be with you we both had a laugh. ( half a hour later) WWWEEE ran out of gas 

                                   THE END

Or is it

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Week 5 Cybersmart (It is fun)

 Let’s learn to write awesome blog posts

Every time you post on your blog, you are adding to your digital footprint. Great blog posts should help you connect with readers to share your learning. Fill in the table below to practice writing a blog post. You will need to check with your teacher before you publish your post on your blog.

Great blog posts have:


Grab the reader’s attention

Week 5 Cybersmart (It is fun)


What have you been learning about? 

Why did you learn this?

we are learning Cybersmart


How can you show what you have been doing?

  • Screenshot?

  • Photo?

  • Video?

  • Drive?

Click here for the DLO


How did your learning go?

Good and bad but mainly good bad because I never finished it in one day


What do you want your readers to comment on?

My question’s answers


Which folder of your drive would this work go in?


Friday, March 5, 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021

our garden kai


We made nacho's and pasta with only veggies

My week 1 wrighting

                 Cheddar Cheese and Chocolate Cake

Exampale we where tasked (I am crazy about rich, dark, espresso coffee. 

I am addicted to extra-sharp cheddar cheese and chocolate cake

I never tire of window-shopping or munching crisp apple pies from burger king

I can consume a whole packet of wheat thins while curled up reading a favourite novel

I wear purple eyeshadow and pink nail varnish-always.

I love to laugh and scream for joy, and sing at the top of my voice.

I love to play heavy rock, loud enough to burst your eardrums.

I like crazy parties, whipped cream, and solitude.)


I am crazy about wishlisting fuko pop’s (bobble heads)

I am addicted to sushi and hot dog’s

I never tire of drinking tea or a milo from/with. 

I can eat a whole pizza while drinking water.

I wear A t-shirt  and short’s - always.  

I love to unbox a box of cereal and eating sushi.

I like sushi & burger king’s chicken nugget burger


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Where out of lockdown


This is my 3 day work

I enjoyed this

Have you ever made a word search before?

By my mum And Phoenix 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Papakura central school expectation's


Theese are our expetations we have to follow them

do you follow exepetations?

I enjoyed making this.

All about me


I enjoyed making this

Did you know that  about me

Friday, January 1, 2021

SLJ Mission 2


Sorry for the delay my brother was sick and xmas and boxing day we had another xmas on boxing day